Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat


Manifest true self-love by anchoring in ancestral roots, immersing in African culture, and rejuvenating body, mind, and spirit in beautiful Ghana, West Africa.


New dates coming soon!



Are you ready to embrace your true self and build long-lasting friendships? 

Hi, I’m Trish. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I was taught that Africa was a jungle filled with poverty, famine, and disease. I thought that Black American history wasn’t much more than slavery, the civil rights movement, and the Harlem Renaissance. As an adult, I traveled all around the world to France, Italy, Canada, the Caribbean, Costa Rica, and even Hong Kong and Japan before finally deciding to take a trip to the Motherland. 

I’m a yoga and meditation instructor, so I booked myself for a yoga teacher training in Ghana in March 2020. I was all ready to finally experience Africa for myself when the pandemic hit. The day I was supposed to travel was the same day that Ghana closed its borders. I thought I would be able to reschedule, but the company didn’t allow it. I was bummed out and I lost my money. I didn’t even want to go to Ghana anymore after that bad experience.

Then in 2021, I discovered I had family in Africa! My first cousin on my father’s side who I just LOVED as a child had been living in Ghana for 25 years! Sherrie and I had lost touch after my grandmother died and hadn’t seen each other for decades. We started talking on WhatsApp and rediscovered our friendship.

Sherrie told me she didn’t want to raise her children in the midst of drugs and crime in New York City, where we grew up. I discovered she was an Ivy League graduate and the President of the African American Association of Ghana. I got excited about Ghana all over again!

It was the first time it occurred to me that Africa, a place I had been brainwashed to believe was inferior, could actually offer a better lifestyle than the U.S.

I had led many retreats in the past so I shared my vision with Sherrie to see if she could help me put together a retreat to help people like me reconnect with our roots in Africa. She introduced me to Theresa, an expat and tour company owner from Washington, DC, who had been living in Ghana for over 30 years. 

The first Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat took place in March 2023 and received jaw-dropping, unbelievably glowing reviews. Honestly, I shocked myself with the impact my retreat had on other people, as well as myself. I knew the experience would be transformative, but it was literally mind-blowing. 

I have to admit, it was a lot of work. On the last day of our journey together, I was exhausted and didn’t think I would do it again.

But on that final day, we woke up in the morning and attended our naming ceremony. I felt like I had been baptized anew. In the afternoon we made the pilgrimage to an indescribable place - an art installation that felt like the most beautiful and bittersweet ancestral burial ground. 

Then, I heard a profound message telling me to bring my brothers and sisters back to the Motherland.

I had to listen.

I realize now that the cancellation of my trip in 2020 was Divine intervention. I didn’t know those people and had no contacts in Ghana. Now, I have a whole community of family, friends, expats, and locals who are delighted to support me and my community.

Don’t miss this opportunity to experience a self-love unlike anything you have ever known.



Experience transformation from the inside out with powerful workshops, immersion in Pan-African culture and history, and specially curated experiences to deepen self-love and healing.


Nourish and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul through rhythmic dance and drumming lessons, gentle yoga, guided meditation, and delicious plant-based cuisine. Enjoy breathtaking African sunsets and time for reflection.


Join a community of like-minded explorers and make lifelong friends and connections across the globe. Share the profound beauty of lush rainforests, thundering oceans, pristine rivers, and bustling cities. 


Is the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat right for YOU?


This experience is for you if you identify as part of the African Diaspora and want profound healing and transformation. You are tired of doing what you’ve always done and are looking for a new approach to finally get you grounded in self-love, connected with community, and deeply rejuvenated in mind, body, and spirit. You want to manifest a new way of moving forward with your life, uniquely rooted in your authenticity and purpose. 

This isn’t for you if you are the type of person who doesn’t like to take action, dream big, or make progress toward your goals. If you don’t want to move past fear, delve deeper into self-awareness, or discover new things about yourself and your community, the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat isn’t the right fit for you right now.

Check out what Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat participants have to say:

"The Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat was a complete spiritual transformation. Trish put together so much more than a retreat. It was definitely soul-healing. Everything was so perfect! I experienced such a sense of self-love and acceptance from both our group and the local people. I found out who God REALLY is in Ghana! I felt spiritually awakened and definitely healed. I feel like God gave me a bag of what I needed and when I came home I sorted it out and put all the pieces in the right places. It was amazing. I was extremely grateful and appreciative that Trish was able to put together so many incredible experiences in the time that we had. There was a point that I thought we were doing too much, but I realize that everything was carefully curated to create this powerful experience. I wouldn’t change a single thing. I recommend the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat to any Black person seeking wholeness. I definitely found myself and so much more. Thank you, Trish, for this life-changing soul-healing retreat! My soul has been healed.”

- Chloe Colbert, Insurance Agent

"The Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat was so sweet. I felt an instant community among the group. As we returned to the Motherland it felt important to connect to our history and each other. I was ready for the trip to be special and profound, and it was. I felt a lot more grounded and centered when I returned home. I can’t think of any way to make this trip better. It was an emotional and spiritual experience for me. If I had done it on my own it wouldn’t have been the same. Trish’s leadership and guidance helped me come out of my shell and be more outgoing than usual. I recommend the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat to our Black youth in their teens and twenties as well as their parents. I know this trip would have a huge impact on their lives.”

- Wendell Bohannon, Contact Center Manager

"Everything was well planned and exceeded my expectations. The itinerary was full and flowed well. As a retired teacher, the educational component had the biggest impact on me. It’s love that heals us, and during the retreat I truly felt LOVE. Love from everyone we saw in the markets, restaurants and venues. It touched my soul and was really soul-healing. Everywhere we went it felt like the red carpet was rolled out for us. Even the doormen at our beautiful hotel held the door for us like royalty every time. The plant-based cuisine was delicious and plentiful. Everything tasted really fresh and prepared with love. The support we felt from Trish and her team was above and beyond. The meditations and workshops were an extra special treat. I recommend this retreat to any Black people who have a desire to know more about who they are.”

- Pat Almond, Retired Educator

"My wife had been working with Trish for over a year and came to me saying she really wanted to go on The Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat. Everything worked out beautifully thanks to Trish. From applying for the visa to being met at the airport. Everything was so professional. We had a tour guide and a driver 24/7 which alleviated all of my concerns. I have been on a spiritual journey for some years to know who and what I am and understand my true self. This trip has helped me along my journey. I feel like I've been born again. I feel like my soul has been healed. I think every African American should experience this. If you visit Ghana with Trish, don't worry - everything is taken care of.

- Willie Almond, Retired U.S. Army Officer 

"The Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat was phenomenal. It was relaxing, spiritual, and included plenty of movement. It was wonderful to see all the beautiful faces and people. Certain moments I feel speechless. It’s hard to describe what a wonderful experience I had. I had a nice supportive roommate and really enjoyed our group overall. Visiting the Cape Coast and Elmina dungeons was my favorite part of the trip because it made me feel most spiritually connected to my ancestors. As a certified archivist, I really embraced the museums and art installations.  I loved it when the drummers sang “Welcome Home” during the naming ceremony on our last day. For me, it was a spiritual transformation from start to finish. I recommend the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat to my family, friends, and Black folks who want to break past the false stereotypes and experience Africa for themselves.”

- Felicia Render, Curator 

"When I made the decision to go on the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat, I didn’t know what to expect. I was amazed to see how happy our people are despite being in a “developing country.” I loved the yoga and meditation.  It was nice not having to feel oppressed. My experience visiting Cape Coast and the slave dungeons was both somber and uplifting. I was moved by the fact that I was able to stand on the ground where my ancestors were chained, beaten, starved, and brutalized. It gave me a renewed sense of purpose and has me wondering how I can contribute to Ghana. The whole experience was magical and uplifting. While I was there, a reporter asked me why I didn’t move back home. Since then, I’ve been thinking about that question. I feel like a whole new woman with a new attitude. Perhaps the reporter is right, and one day I will move back “home.” This was an absolutely beautiful experience. I recommend the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat for any Black person who wants to feel more connected to the Motherland and to themselves.”

- Delores Rapoport, Wealth Manager 

"Overall, we had a marvelous experience at the Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat. It felt like everyone was an entrepreneur, especially the “head porters” who carried items for sale on their heads. The bead-making workshop made us more appreciative of how beads are made. It was interesting to find out they were made of recycled glass. The baobab tree is the “tree of life” because it preserves a lot of water even during the drought seasons. We had been studying the benefits of baobab as it relates to health. We never thought we would see it in real life. It was a spiritual experience seeing and touching the tree in Africa. The food was authentic with a great variety. We really enjoyed the homemade sorrel and the baobab drinks. Being part of a group truly enhanced our experience. We look forward to more soul-healing retreats with Trish and her team in the future!"

- Mary and Herman Brown, Entrepreneurs

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to welcome you to Ghana as family!

Get ready for beautiful collaborations between Soul-Healing Retreat Leader, Transformational Coach, and Bestselling Author, Trish Ahjel Roberts, and collaborators and teachers from the U.S. and Ghana.

  • Ghana Expat, CEO of Global Resolve Africa, and Former President of the African American Association of Ghana, Sherrie Thompson will share her insights with us over dinner. Make sure to catch her episode of the Mind-Blowing Happiness™ Podcast.
  • And more!

Fill out your application for the trip of a lifetime in Ghana!


Don't miss this opportunity to relax and recharge, connect to your roots and your community, and go deeper into who you are and what your purpose is.


Submit your application and schedule your call to get all your questions answered.



Enjoy a short video from the 2023 Ghana Soul-Healing Retreat.

This video does not begin to cover all the amazing experiences we had, but it will give you a taste of Ghana! Enjoy!